Monday, February 09, 2009


Snow in Eastern NC doesn't happen very often... maybe once every 5 years!

Allie of course wanted to go out and play, but we didn't have any snow clothes or boots. So, we just put on a few extra layers and bags on over her socks so her feet wouldn't get wet. :)

Adam was napping so he missed out on all the fun! :(

Snow angels!
Once back inside, we made some yummy hot chocolate

I guess we'll be seeing a little more snow once we move back north. Goodbye to the 70 degree weather in Feb! :(

Catching Up!

I love Adam's face in this pic.... He's like, "why are you taking my picture mom!!" :)

That's better!
I only got a few pics while we were in PA. Here's one of the kids in our hotel room. We're were waiting on daddy to warm up the car! :) It snowed every day we were in PA. And it was like 18 degrees the 5 days we were there. The day after we got back to NC it was 71 degrees! Why are we moving again????
Chris working on some last min. house projects!
Enjoying a beautiful warm day!

We're not the only ones moving. All our friends are leaving or getting ready to leave. Last week the kids and I went over to say goodbye to Chris, Angela and the kids. :( We'll miss you guys!
One last picture on our beach!

A Visit from Alex and Ryan!

I'm been such a slacker with this blog lately. I apologize, Ryan and Alex, for not getting these pics up sooner. It has been a very busy January and Feb. We got two offers on our house 18 days after it was put on the market. So, after accepting one of the offers, it was off to PA to look for a new house. As you can imagine it's been kinda busy around here and the blog wasn't one of my top priorities. Now that I have a little free time (before the big moving day) I thought I better get the blog updated. Before long we'll be in PA and I'll have new pics to post of the new house. :)Alex and Ryan came down over MLK's birthday weekend. Here's Erin, Ryleigh and Alex making some yummy lemon cheese cake. The boys relaxing at Erin and Jason's.

"Ryan, can you say, CHEEEEESE?"
All cozy (or maybe a little crowded) on the love seat

Adam loved Ryan!
The boys grilling out of the garage. It was raining that night.

Thanks guys for coming and visiting. Looking forward to seeing you all soon!! :)