This kid loves Chocolate!!!!
This weekend we are dog sitting for my neighbor - I caught Allie trying out Sassie's water. She had her face right in the bowl - just like a dog. Funny thing is, I don't think she has ever actually seen a dog drinking before. She is such a stinker!!! See the water dripping from her mouth!
This pic is for G-mom - you wanted to see my fern, so here it is.
Allie really enjoyed the TOP of this cupcake! ;)
Homeschooling: Day 1
10 years ago
Maybe she saw me drinking out of my bowl when we were down.
Love Dad
Dad, I laughed out loud when I read your comment! Chelly - your fern looks great. That is my favorite room in your house. I miss my blue and white room.
I am blogging! AND figured out on my own how to leave a comment!! Too bad Allie didn't eat that cupcake 1st and THEN drank out of the dog bowl - it could have washed off the chocolate! Is this like a chat room?
Time for a blog update!! :)
I almost snarfed when I read about the dog-bowl sipping. =)
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