Allie on Daddy's new toy! :-) Chris has been wanting a riding mower for some time now. It use to take him a few hours to push mow our whole lawn - now he should be done in no time! :)

Allie on Daddy's new toy! :-) Chris has been wanting a riding mower for some time now. It use to take him a few hours to push mow our whole lawn - now he should be done in no time! :)
Posted by Chris and Michelle at 8:35 PM
Oh a John Deere...Earl's gonna be so jealous! congrats! it really really does make a huge difference. Our lawn now takes an hour to mow by riding mower...just think how long it was pushing!
Good taste Chris. You can,t go wrong when you have a John Deere.I am sure every one will enjoy it.It will last for ever if you take care of it.
Congrats on your new toy, Chris! Allie is absolutely adorable and Michelle, you are looking perfectly pregnant and beautiful! Hope to see you in NC in a month or so!
Nice looking tractor,Chris! Did you get a John Deer hat for Allie?
Oh man Jason has been eyeing those for months! :) We have yet to take the plunge. Have fun Chris! Kyle will gladly mow for you next time we come up. lol He loves "Johned Deered".
Not to much longer until your little one is due to arrive! About the shopping tips...check out I had no idea you could get things so inexpensively until I found their website.
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