I just got my computer back tonight (for all those who didn't know, it was out of service for over a week),so I can finally update my blog. :) Enjoy! Sarah with Adam
Allie with her "cheese" smile. :)
The girls hangin out under Allie's crib reading books! :)
Nap time! :)
Chris packing for his trip to CA -- he is always so organized!!
Daddy with his two little stinkers. :)
Homeschooling: Day 1
10 years ago
He Chelly glad you got your computer fixed. Need to see the latest in the blogs before g-mom could go to bed.Just looked at the latest from Erin telling about Aidens field trip. You have got that coming. Keep them coming.
SO GREAT to have you back! Thanks for the update! I witnessed first-hand what a good time the girls were having at your house, but it's still great to see the pictures!
Love the pics. I've been meaning to call but I'm always afraid you might be catching a nap (I remember how precious they are those first weeks!) I'll try anyway soon. Blake is 3 mos today. Can't believe it. I was laughing at the packing pic of Chris. That's how Brian does it too. :) Praying for you!!
Oh Michelle Adam is soo cute! I wish I could come down and see him...He'll look so different at Christmas. Cannot wait!
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