The kids and I recently went down to Wilmington to purchase this new Harley for Chris. He has been looking at bikes for sometime now and we finally decided to get one. :) Since Chris isn't home right now, I got the honors of buying the bike! :) It was a cool experience (buying a Harley) and now I'm just waiting for my first ride! :) This bike has a cool little seat that folds out from under Chris', so I think the deal is every time he goes for a ride he has to take me too! :)
Allie thinks daddy's bike is cool! :)
The day the bike was delivered to our house.
Looks good huh? I'm not much of a bike girl, but I even like the looks of this one! :)
Homeschooling: Day 1
10 years ago
Chelly i can,t imagine you buying a bike for Chris with out him being there. Didn,t know you was a pro on best bike to buy.Guess you have some talant that i don,t know about. Looks like a nice bike. Guess you will have to get a side car so you can take the kids along.
LOVE IT!!!! I know Chris is eager to take it for a ride!! It looks really nice. Maybe me and you can take out their new Harleys for a test drive before they get home...
Wow, I like it. As if Chris doesn't already have enough to look forward to coming home to! =)
Awesome! Now Matt and Chris can go cruisin' together!
Thats awesome! can't wait til I get a ride!
Looks great Chelly. You really do have great taste. It takes some skills to pull something like this off. I guess I owe you a little more than flowers on our next anniversary! Ha Ha
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