Blue Diamond - Joe, Chris and Lizzy all dressed in red! ;)

Chris and Joe at Brian's wedding - December, 2004

What a cute couple! ;-)

Joe with Allie one week after she was born. ;-)

Joe, Brian, Chris and Carrie - all hangin' out at our Mechanicsburg home. Those were the good ole days! ;-(

Camping at Blue Diamond - our first year without Brian! :-( We (Joe, Liz and I) use to go camping with the Yoders every year! It was a yearly tradition! ;) Blue Diamond has a Very Special place in my heart! :) Anyway, Happy Birthday Joe! Hope these pics. bring back some good memories! You're a great friend and I'm thankful to have you as my brother! Lots of love and we're so proud of you!
I know Chelly you have been waiting for comments :), so here you go: Happy Birthday for the like the 4th time Joe! (on my blog, mom and dad'a blog, chelly' blog, myspace and your phone) I guess that is actually five times. Love all the pics. But I think you should have gone with the note idea!!
Hey, those were by far the most hysterical pictures of Joe! Oh, and it just hit me..I started dating Joe when Allie was born..he looks like he was 12! wonder everyone thought I was the older one. Anyways, Happy Birthday Joe!
Man, Joe is one popular dude. Everywhere I go on the web today has birthday messages up. I'm checking next.
Gee, I feel a little gypped. I didn't even get any pictures on my birthday. I see who the favorite is now. You're all getting strikes against you for Christmas. Look out Erin and Chris!! (Matt and I pulled their names for gifts)
Lizzy, Sorry we didn't put up any pics for you on your special day. I guess it's really Erin's fault, she was the one that started the whole pictures with the Happy Birthday thing. :( he he - Don't be mad... I'm just happy you didn't get my name for Christmas!! ;)
You know, I really get mistreated here on this blog. I believe I am going to have to stop visiting this site for my own good. :) You all should really show me a little more respect. I am the one that started this whole blog thing in our family!!
Now, now, play nice. I didn't mean to stir up all this strife. It's only Christmas gifts. :)
Thanks Michelle for the lovely celebration of my life! It was my birthday, so keep the comments about my birthday please!
Wow, I call Matt to get me my present for Christmas. I'm sure he won't hold anything against me. I'll just stand by and let Erin and Liz duke this one out!!
Too late Chris!! Liz already claimed you. haha (sorry Joe for the non-birthday related comment, but I said happy birthday to so many times yesterday that I thought I could get by with it) :)
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