Allie is now 18 months old - here are just a few of my favorite pictures of the last year and a half!
Homeschooling: Day 1
10 years ago
Allie is now 18 months old - here are just a few of my favorite pictures of the last year and a half!
Posted by Chris and Michelle at 2:56 PM
Cute little Allie! What a great way to start your day! LOVED the slide show! Some of them I never saw before. Hurry & get here! We want Allie alive and in person!
I can't believe you would try and turn your daughter into a steelers fan... I'm so embarassed for you...
I loved looking at the pictures!! There were a few I had not seen either. I love the one of her bending down looking at the kittens and the one with the flag. Of course the one where she is between two handsome boys is also great! :) Thanks for sharing all these pictures. I can not wait to see Allie over Christmas and have you guys meet Ryleigh! (Oh, and I agree with Joe, where is the Ravens jersey???)
oh my gosh Allie is sooo cute! The picture made us laugh(Aimee, Annah, Sarah, Lindsey, and Me Megan) I can't wait to see you all this Christmas,
Too cute!! I'm such a proud aunt!!
Allie had such a chubby face hehe. I really see how much she has grown and changed in the last 18 months. Garrett is ready for some serious play dates after Christmas. I think he will finally be able to hold his own against a girl.
Holy cow! I Love these pictures. I can't believe how much she's changed! I'm so glad you posted all these older ones from before I knew you guys.
I really love the 4 generations picture.
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