Happy Birthday to the love of my life! Wish you were here and we were spending your special day together!;( We miss you - Hurry home!!
Christopher W. Yoder - 2 months old

Doesn't he look like he was a hand full? ;

Chris and Brian.

Playing ball - Mr. Woods as one of his coaches!

Senior Picture - 1997

Blue Diamond - the best camping place ever!!

hangin' around - We (the
Yoder family) went on a little family get-away to Black
Moshannon State Park. Chris and
Bri decided to climb into the beams of the cabin we were staying in. :)

Water Country USA,
Williamsburg, VA - 2002

Lizzy and Chris

Bill and Chris working on the lane.

Joe and Chris at Blue Diamond! Nice muscles boys!
Jason and Chris - Summer, 2003

Chris and Carrie - our dog for the first couple years of our married life! :)

Blue Diamond again! Aimee,
Annah and Chris on the lake.

The gang at Blue Diamond! Summer, 2000.

Chris and I in my parents back yard - Love those Perry County hills! ;)

Wedding day, August, 2002!

Williamsburg, VA - our Honeymoon!

Chris with Allie the day she was born. June, 3rd 2005

Check out those cheeks!

Sleeping Beauties!

Graduation day from TBS - Summer, 2005

The Marine!

This was taken at ONE of the schools Chris went through - TBS or
IOC - not sure which one!

Iraq - 2006

Can you see me? :)
We love you and think you're the best!! Good luck with your school, you'll be in our thoughts and prayers!! Happy Birthday!
Love, Chelly and Allie
Happy Birthday, Chris! Love the photo show of your life! Chelle did a GREAT job! Sorry you have to spend you B-Day in KY! Check out our blog for a birthday photo greeting!
AWWWW, so sorry you're not at home to celebrate Chris. Earl says Happy Birthday! and I do too!
great photos Michelle. i really love your wedding photo, you guys look so gorgeous. Earl laughed at Chris' 2 month old picture! and i love the one in the bush.
Happy Birthday Chris!! I meant to tell Jason to tell you happy birthday from me when he was talking to you yesterday, but I forgot! I am working on putting a birthday post for you on our blog, I am a little behind, but since you are gone, I knew I had time. :)
By, the way, you were really rockin' that bowtie....
Happy Birthday (one day late)! Glad to see I made a couple pics!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS!! And CONGRATULATIOONS to you both! Your parents were up at our "new" cottage and they gave us the good news. We enjoyed a picnic dinner together and your dad fixed the furnace for us =)
It's always fun getting together, and I enjoy keeping up with you all via your blogs.
Blessings to all!
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