Here is our first picture of our new little one. ;) I know it doesn't look like much... I guess it's a picture that only a mother could love! ;) he he. I had my first OB appointment today and they did a little ultrasound for dating. It is so cool that even at 10 weeks you can see legs, arms and the little heart beating!! :) Amazing!! ;)
Homeschooling: Day 1
10 years ago
Yes, I can see the family resemblence! And yes, it IS amazing to see such detail even at 10 weeks!
YOUR PREGNANT!?!?!? Why does no one tell me these things...or maybe someone did tell me and I just wasnt listening. Congradulations!
i think he looks just like you michelle! (yes, i think it's a HE)
did you know Gail is also a guy's name....spelled Gale? just FYI.
"they did a little ultrasound for dating..."
I know kids are starting younger and younger these days but this is just ridiculous. Besides, the baby's looks are going to change a lot over the coming months so I really don't see why he needs a picture already.
Hi back, guys! It was so fun to see that you commented on our blog; it's great to hear from you!! Congratulations on the second little Yoder scrubber (!) and on the first, Allie is a total cutie. I can't believe she's so big - it's almost been two years - we can't wait to meet her all over again! Here's to a reunion in NC within the next year!
Yay! That's exciting! (This is Emily W. btw...)
SES, you crack me up. Congrats, Michelle & Chris! #2 has been more than a handful for us. #1 was like an accessory, #2 turned our home into a nursery and our schedules upside down. Praying all goes well for you!
So glad we will be close when baby #2 arrives! Allie can hang out with us why you get lots of naps. :) Hope it is a boy so I can pass on all these clothes!!
Oh, that's so cool! I don't know why my family doesn't tell me these things when they find out sooner than I do! I'm 10 weeks and four days pregnant today, so I LOVED seeing your ultrasound picture! It's amazing that you can see the arms and legs... that's a BABY in there! :-) I guess you're about two weeks ahead of me... I'll definitely be checking your site more often now! :-)
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