Opening her gifts from daddy and mommy.
Allie always has such beautiful hair in the morning. :) He he!
All her gifts from dad and mom.
Lookin' good!

Chris on Earl's new bike.

Some of the gang.

Allie and the cousins.

Yummy cake!

Little miss
Ryleigh with her daddy.

Having some fun in the rain.

Allie's Cake.

Make a wish!

Erin took this pic of Allie sneaking some icing.

Ice Cream!!! I think all Allie had to eat yesterday was cake and ice cream. :( I guess it's okay if she only does it once a year. :)

Do I have any icing on my face??

Clean my hands please!

Gift time! To everyone that has been asking for a pic. of my belly.... well, here you go!! :)

Checking out her new sit-n-spin from Thomas!

Allie's favorite birthday gift! :)

All clean after a long, fun day! :)
It was so nice having Jason and Erin here for Allie's special day - so glad you guys could make it! ;) We had some rain yesterday, but over all everything turned out okay. :) Always fun having family and friends over to celebrate a birthday. :) Thanks to everyone for coming and making the day so much fun! :)
we had alot of fun, even though i'm sure we outstayed our welcome with earl's bike problems. by the way, nice pic of allie on it! and i love the b&w photo of her eating cake!
and that picture of your belly doens't barely made the picture!
Thanks, Chelle! Loved seeing Allie and her cousins and friends! She is growing up so much! Can't wait to play and talk with her when you come up. Wish we could ALL be together at once.
Happy birthday Allie! Looks like she had a blast!
We are so glad we got to come!!
Great pics esp. of your belly Michelle =)
Now I believe you're expecting - and it's a BOY!!
That's really exciting.
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