Yesterday was my 22 week ultrasound -- If you haven't heard yet, IT'S A BOY!! :) Here is two pics of his profile -- In this first one, he has his arms and hands up by his face and little knees by his elbow. :) He was pretty cramped in there - during most of the U/S he had his feet up by his face!!! :( I guess that's how they like it! ;) Everything else looked great (all the organs), so we couldn't be happier! ;) Now, we just have to wait for Oct. to get here... :) Allie's going to have a little brother to boss around - something (bossing) she is very good at!! ;)

We are so happy that the boys are finally getting a boy cousin and that I can finally get rid of all the clothes I have been saving for you!! :)
yay! congrats! i can't wait to see in a few years when allie has dressed him up in a dress and put makeup on him! hahah!
Congratulations Chris and Michelle! That's awesome
You know, Meredith is a very popular boy name... in England.... :)
Congratulations! Maybe Ruby will fall in love with your son just like Thomas has done with Allie!!
A little boy! How exciting! I was just saying the other day that everyone I know is having girls. Way to go changing things up!
It will be the first time in our family that the boys (grandkids)will outnumber the girls! SO happy for you two! Joe can give him some pointers on how to live with a big sister!
Hey, Chris and Michelle,
Finally got a chance to check out your blog and hear the news for myself. Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you guys to have a boy. I'm sure Allie will be a big help with #2. =)
awww, its getting closer to time when you'll get to hold your baby boy!
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