Ashleigh, Megan, Sarah and Aimee - Summer 2007
Josh, Amity, Beckie and Ash - Little Buffalo State Park - Megan and Sarah's b-day treasure hunt. By the way, our team came in last... Sorry guys! :(
Ashleigh and Jim W. - Our wedding. Check out Alex and Ben in the background. Another one of those pics that you wish you knew what was sooo funny!! ;)
Liz and Ash - Lewes, DE - Summer 2005 - Nice hair, Ashleigh! ;)
Awww, so cute!
The "older" girls at our house in Mechanicsburg. What a good lookin' group!!!! ;)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHLEIGH! Wow, 20!!!!!! Only 10 more years 'til 30! :) he he Hope you're having a fun night with everyone - wish we could be there! ;( Thanks for being such a great friend and sister. We all love you very much (even Annah)! Keep up the good work at school - we're all very proud of you! :) Lots of love, Michelle, Chris and Allie
Thanks Michelle!! I like most of the pictures...well the first one I look pretty fat, but other then that they were good! love you guys
LOL even Annah!!!! Great one Chelly. To put it in your words - hehe!!! :)
I just noticed in the Lewes picture that Meg, Sarah and Ash all have my pants on! lol Great thing about lots of sisters, we get to share clothes. :)
Wow, we were so tan in the picture at the beach! I need to go back sometime, that was so much fun.
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