Bethany, Chris and Allie
hangin' out on the swings Sunday afternoon.

Chris on Liz's bike and Matt (Liz's boyfriend) on his bike.

Chris and Allie on Grandpa's tractor. :)

Bethany mowing - getting ready for the
Yoder's 4
th of July picnic.

Allie in Grandma Y's yard

Yoders house.

Bill and Chris doing yard work.

Playing in the sand box.

Bill, Bethany, Chris and Allie on top of one the the beautiful hills in PC. :)

The gang.

Me and Aunt Bethany. :)

Grandpa Y. and Allie.

Sarah and Megan - My parents house.
Annah, Lindsey (she didn't want her picture taken) and Liz.

Granddad A. and Allie

Allie, Granddad and Lindsey -- all looking very happy! ;)

A view from my parents back yard.

I just love the trees in PA!

The girls checking out some bugs in the yard. :)

Playing a game of throwing grass.

The girls.

Aunt Lindsey

Mom and Dad with Allie in their garden.

Liz, Chris, Josh, Joe and
Caitie playing X-box

Aimee, Megan and Sarah.

Ashleigh, Megan, Sarah and Aimee - on their way to the movies. :)

All the girls - Aimee, Megan, Lindsey, Sarah, Allie,
Annah and Ashleigh.

Me and Allie under mom-mom's wisteria arbor.

Ready for bed.

Bill and Linda

Al and Daddy by grandpa's fire - the smoke from the fire makes this pic look funny. :( It was just too cute not to put up!

Us on the 4

Allie with some of the kids that came to the
Yoder's picnic.

Sarah, Beckie (one of the twins best friends) and Megan. We all went to eat at the little cafe where Ashleigh works. Great food!!

Sarah, Ash, me and Megan.

Bill frying us a turkey for dinner. The turkey fryer was Chris' gift to Bill for Christmas. :)

Allie getting a make-over from Aunt Bethany and Bill. :)

"Look at my lips"! :)

"Oh, I'm
sooo cute"!! :)

My G-dad, Chris, Liz, G-mom, mom and Lindsey in my mom's kitchen.

Allie got into someones mascara at my parent's house -- thanks mom for helping me clean her up!! ;)

Nice lipstick, Allie. :)

Elizabeth and Chris.


Ben (one of our good friends) and Chris with their girls. :)

Joe and Caitie

Josh, Chris and Joe

Dad and Mom

Hangin' out in the kitchen - nice tongue, Chris! :)

Liz, me and Caitie.
We had such a great visit to PA - we didn't want to come home!! ;( We love you guys and can't wait for Christmas so we can come back!! :)
GREAT "Capturing the moments" photos, Chelle!!! You got everybody and every event! We didn't want you to go home, either! Sure wish you all could live in PC!! And if Erin & Jason move back here in 9 years, we can all be together whenever! That would be truly awesome!! Thanks for the week long recap!
You got great pictures!! I love them all! Looks like you all had fun. CAN NOT wait for Christmas when we are all together!! It is going to be a blast!!
Great pics and post chelle. It's really nice to be able to see what old friends are up to. Not that you're old. I mean yeah, you are pretty old (older than me =), but anyway...
Great job Chelle. Was good to see both sides of your family while you were up. G-mom and I really enjoyed all of the pictures.We can set down and look at all the blogs for hrs. Great past time for Seniors.
Do I ever change out of my work clothes? :)
Hey, Michelle, great pics and I'm so sorry that I missed you while you were up. I guess you heard that we're moving in August, so it'll be harder to see each other, but we've just got to do it - especially now that we're getting old (according to Sean!) Give me a call sometime.
You look so cute pregnant! I especially love the pictures of the kids outside in the evening! I'm so glad I can share this little bit of your lives. : )
O.K., Chelle, almost two weeks have gone by and your camera is not broken! Want to see some cute Allie pics or a video of her saying all her new words!
love the pics. i'm late visiting your blog, but i enjoyed your little picture story. looks like so much fun. your parents house and land is gorgeous by the way.
i said your parents, but i meant the yoders, cuz that's the picture you posted. i'm sure your parents' place is wonderfully beautiful too. :-)
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