Today we got to spend the afternoon with all the old play group (minus Bonny, Garrett and Abbey) for Thomas' third birthday. The party was at Pizza Hut, so we had lots of yummy pizza, cake and ice cream! Happy 3rd Birthday, Thomas!
Allie and Landon -- and Mackenzie with a balloon for a head! :)
Allie and Joey having fun with the party favors

Landon enjoying his pizza crust!

Allie with the birthday boy... she gave Thomas a big hug, tried picking him up and then told him he was too heavy! :)

Thomas' really cool birthday cake!

Landon and Mac.

Christina, Landon, me and Adam. In Christina's defense she was trying to keep Landon from pulling her cup over and smile at the same time. That's why she is making a funny face! :) We still think you're cute Christina! :)

Gail (Joey's mommy) me and Adam

Awwww, love this one! :) Don't they look alike! Believe it or not, Landon is actually two months younger than Adam. Come on Adam, you need to start growing!!!! :o)

More fun with party favors!

Another picture of Christina and I -- my good ole Pennsylvania girl!

Angela (Allie and Adison's mommy - this info is for my mom!) and I. I've been so blessed to have met all these girls (and more) and don't know what I would do without their daily support. Love you guys... you're the best!
My goodness, Michelle, Adam is so adorable!! I'd love to sink my lips into those cheeks. I think about you a lot, and hope you're doing all right with Chris being gone. I do keep up on your blog, I just don't have time all the time to leave comments, but I'll try to more. Love ya.
Hope we get to meet your friends! Some I have met, but would like to meet them all. So glad you have them! Better a neighbor nearby than a brother far away!
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