Mom trying to enjoy her book... not sure how much she actually got to read! :( Sorry mom! Ashleigh and Aimee's sand castle. While Ash and Aimee were building their castle the rest of us took turns digging a hole for the kids to play in. There is Megan and Annah hard a work! :)
It was amazing how no one was on the beach this week. We were wondering if something was going on that no one bothered to tell us about. Like sharks.... :{ Ryleigh telling Adam something... she was very good at "mothering" him! :)
Back on the beach after the sun had gone down! Look who thinks he's a big boy!
An Aimee creation!
Allie was told my Annah that she wasn't allowed out in the water alone... she wasn't so happy about it! Some kind of BIG bug the kids found. I was dead, I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to get Allie to hold it otherwise! Getting cleaned off! Erin's lodge
All of us minus my little ones who were sleeping. On our way to dinner last night. Pizza and Subs at Michelangelo's!
Allie slept through dinner!
The girls having fun with my cam! I love this one of Adam. He looks like he's actually smiling for the cam!
Aimee being silly! More silly pics! We miss you Chris! :( Watching a movie before bed!
Lots of nice pictures Chelly. You are really getting ahead of Erin. Have enjoyed all of them. Looks like you all have had a good time at the beach. Love to all. G-dad -K
Great, great fun for all! So glad everyone had a great time! Hope to go back next year with everyone and a bigger house! Don't think we could have squeezed anyone else in! Thanks for giving Dad & everyone a glimpse into our week! And thanks for making it happen!
Ok,ok, I KNOW I am behind on blogging. :) Anyone want to come take care of everything else that I have going on at the moment so I can update? Yeah, no takers. I will get around to it soon, I have lots of great pics too to put up! I promise! :)
Great job Chelly, you are now the blog queen. Enjoy your title! lol
Lots of nice pictures Chelly. You are really getting ahead of Erin.
Have enjoyed all of them. Looks like you all have had a good time at the beach.
Love to all.
G-dad -K
I'm so jealous! You guys look like so much fun!! I wanna be invited next time!! :)
Great, great fun for all! So glad everyone had a great time! Hope to go back next year with everyone and a bigger house! Don't think we could have squeezed anyone else in! Thanks for giving Dad & everyone a glimpse into our week! And thanks for making it happen!
Ok,ok, I KNOW I am behind on blogging. :) Anyone want to come take care of everything else that I have going on at the moment so I can update? Yeah, no takers. I will get around to it soon, I have lots of great pics too to put up! I promise! :)
Great job Chelly, you are now the blog queen. Enjoy your title! lol
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