Today is my grandmother K's birthday. She would have been 77 years old. We all still miss her (we will always miss her) and I know I think about her all the time. I don't think a week goes by that I don't think about something I would love to share with her, or tell her a funny story about the kids. She was such a thoughtful, loving grandmother. And, even though we know she's in a better place, we still miss her very much!

She made all of us girls in to bargain shoppers from our countless shopping trips to Frederick Town Mall, or cutting out coupons and taking us grocery shopping at old Food Rite. And each time we went somewhere, no matter how far away we got from Mt. Airy, she would run into people she knew. To some of us she passed on her love of cooking and baking. Her macaroni and cheese, Jello-O salads, hot milk sponge cake, crab and vegetables soups, to name a few, will be recipes that will be passed on from generation to generation. None of us will ever be able to eat Frosted Flakes, drink a cup of hot tea, see a Santa, play cards, do a puzzle, or see a Longaberger basket or season socks without thinking of her again. The color purple, going to Ocean City, reading something about Cal Ripken Jr. or hearing a Randy Travis song are all things that will trigger memories of her for us all.
She surprised us when we were younger with stories of playing basketball when she was in high school and when we didn't believe her, she challenged us to a race across the yard. She always had a good sense of humor, even when one of us would hide her teeth after she went to bed, or when a certain young
grandchild called her a "stupid old lady"!
She loved holidays and made them very special for us. Our Easter baskets would be filled to over flowing. Valentines Day she sent us all candy. And even this last Christmas, when she was so sick, she personally shopped and wrapped gifts for all of us, even for those who are not officially family.
Grandmom also made us work! From helping maintain her flower beds, to waxing and washing the windows of their buses, to making applesauce and canning peaches. Sometimes, if we assured her we knew what we were doing, she would let us hang her clothes on the line, because it was a science to her! But, she always rewarded us many times over for the work she made us do. She was always buying something for someone. Or taking us to Jimmy Cone, the snow cone stand, Friendly's or Twin Kiss.
Spending the night was always a treat, even though when we were little she did powder our butts and armpits after our bubble baths! We all had our own labeled toothbrushes that she kept for us in the bathroom closet. She let you stay up late, drink coke out of little glasses and eat a bowl of ice cream no matter what night of the week it was. We did have to endure countless hours of the Grand Ole' Opry, but somehow we survived.
We were all amazed how she could keep on going these last two years when things became so tough for her. She continued to knit and bake pies even after she lost six of her fingers. She still called all of us to see how we were doing and what was going on in our lives. Even up to a month ago she was sending packages in the mail to those of us that lived far away. Or making sure we had our favorite foods at the house when we came to visit. Her will to have life be as normal as it could be, even when life was so difficult for her, was an example to us all.
We will all miss hearing her say, "Someone fill the glasses with ice, but don't give me too much." or "Make sure you give me the little fork" or "If Cal Ripken ever kissed my cheek, I would never wash it again." We will miss sitting on the swing with her in the backyard. We will miss seeing her reading her magazines or doing a crossword puzzle in her chair by the window. Seeing her diamond heart necklace around her neck, her many bracelets around her wrist, her apron around her waist cooking us all a meal in her kitchen.
More than any of the things we mentioned about our grandmom, we know and will always know that she loved us all dearly. We take comfort in that fact that she is now in heaven, whole again, taking the walks she loved so much and enjoying singing in the choir once again.
Thanks Chelly for posting the memories of grandmom. It was good to bring back these good memories of g-mom even though it brought back tears.Many true words in reference to how g-mom loved her grand kids.How proud she would have been to see how well all of her g-kids have turned out with their lives and family.I printed these memories off and will put it with her funeral folder.
I wanted to do something for grandmom yesterday on the blog, but the day got away from me. Thanks for posting this. Wasn't expecting to cry this morning though. I thought about her all day yesterday. I too want to tell her so many things. She will be missed forever.
I cried too, Erin! She was such a special grandmother!
I still get teary almost everytime I think of Grandmom (reading the post made me outright cry), which for me, over this past year, has been a lot! Between showers, wedding, new house and a baby I can't help but think of how much she would have been a part of those occasions. It makes me so sad that my children will never get to meet her, or her them!
Thanks, Chelly, for honoring the day for all of us! I am so out of the blog/computer world-the great outdoors is more my speed these days. Your words and remembrance also made me cry. Life is SO short. Thank God we haven't seen the last of her!
Great post Chelly!!! She was very special to all of us and your post brought back great memories. Grand-dad and I shared a few the other day when we had lunch. There were so many! Thanks for posting this!
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