Joe and Caitie this summer! Aren't they a cute couple!! :)The gang came down to visit us this summer -- lots of fun!!
Lewes, DE summer 2005 I just love this pic of Liz, Erin and Joe... such a good looking group of kids!! :)
More good times at the beach -- love your face, JOE!! :) Look how little Allie is! ;(

Happy 23rd Birthday, JOE!!!!! Wow, like Erin, I remember the day you were born! I guess we were really excited to have a new little brother!!! :) I have so many great memories with you -- you have been such a special part of my life! Thanks for the friendship we have, love having you as a my little brother! :p
Hope you enjoyed your day off -- Love you -- see you in a few weeks!
Love, Michelle, Chris, Allie and Adam
Thanks chel,
There are some good memories looking at the pics. Can't wait til you guys are around so we can hang out again.
What great pictures to stir great memories (eventhough I wasn't there for most of those shots!), but like I said, they stir great memories of other times when everyone was here or just hearing you all come home and share with me all the fun you had (or even NOT had fun!) Birthdays are a great way of remembering the most important things of life-PEOPLE and relationships!!!
Lookin good Joe. Can't wait to see you again. We have been through quite a bit together. Loved the pics. Happy Birthday
That was such a great time in Lewes. I hope we can do something like that again next year and make it a tradition!!
Great work.
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