Allie is now a "big girl"-- wearing big girl panties!! :) YAY! Didn't think this day would ever come! :) Here she is showing you the treats she got after she mastered going poo on the pottie! :) She went with daddy (he had promised to get her anything she wanted) to the store and got to pick out two treats... a push pop and some kind of marshmallow thing. :) Kids are so easy to please! :)
Already learning how to sit up... no, it's just his fat that is keeping him from falling! :)
He looks so good in blue - just like his daddy! :)
Can you say CHUBBY!! :) Adam had this 2 month Dr.'s appt. today and he is now 13 lbs. and 9 oz. !!! WOW, not bad for 2 months old! :)

ADORABLE! I would love to see Adam in a Santa hat and red shirt! He fits the "bowl full of jelly" description already!
So cute... hurray for big girl panties! We're not quite there yet... maybe one day! :)
Adam is getting so big-Blake had his 4 month and he is 18 lbs! Yikes! :) We're doing the Santa thing on Friday...we'll see how it goes! Can't wait to see you! :)
Love Allie's red hair bows! Love all the pictures! Adam's little personality is starting to peek through with that smile! Like his "watching TV with Dad" shirt! Can't wait to see all of you in person next week!
I want some PJs with cupcakes on them!! I gotta ask Santa for that...
love all the pictures! adam still looks just like his daddy, earl made that comment when he looked over your last blog posts of Adam. i'm very interested in that cookie recipe of Erin's....and i agree that i'd love to see adam dressed as santa.
I want those Pj's too!! Great photos! We will see you in just a few more days!!
This is the most cutiest pictures I have ever seen with Allie! She is cute in all of the pictures! so is Adam!
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