Daddy and Allie looking for the perfect Christmas tree!

Allie had a blast running around through all the Christmas trees! =}

My men! :)

Getting the tree ready to go inside - maybe I should take all my fall stuff down before we start with the Christmas things! :p

We of course got the tree in Chris' truck, so we needed to take the car seats out after we got home. :) Allie thought it was quite funny being carried out of the truck in her seat! :)

The boys all tuckered out after a hard night of picking out the tree! :)

Take another look.... that isn't one of Allie's dolls! =)

Helping with the ribbon for the tree! :)

Allie helping decorate the tree by lining up the ornaments.

Dec. 2
nd -- Me and my wonderful husband! Thanks honey, for such a relaxing, special day! :)

Awww, aren't they cute! ;)

Me sporting my new cashmere sweater -thanks hon! Love it!! :)

Our chunky monkey

Daddy and his boy!

Relaxing after a wonderful meal from Outback!! :)

Thanks to everyone for all the calls, blogs and
myspace messages!! :) You can't help but feel so loved when you get ten-thousand calls in one day!! :) Thanks!! Love you guys and can't wait for the holidays so we can see everyone!!! :) Pray that I can get through this next year without being too depressed --- it's my last year in my 20's!! :( He he!! :)
Love the new pictures. You look awesome Chelly! Would never know you are almost 30. hehe Your tree decorating night looks way more relaxing than ours. Our was PURE chaos. Ryleigh throw the ornaments and pulled the wooden beads off and Kyle thought the ornaments were balls..... But, it was a memory for sure. :)
So glad you had such a fun day. We had to put up our fake tree--you can get real ones here but they are flown in and since it's so hot, they dry out in about a week! Not really worth it!
You do look great! Happy Birthday again! :)
Happy Birthday Chelly!
AWWWW! What a nice memorable birthday & tree decorating day! Of course, you look beautiful and so does your family! Adam is SO adorable-can't WAIT to hold him! Allie cracks me up with her charming smile and funny ways! Happy Birthday again!
You're so brave letting Allie push Adam! Although she is more trustworthy than Thomas (he TRIES to do the same thing with Ruby). Hope you had a great Birthday!
Happy Birthday Michelle! Allie and Adam are such cuties. Maybe someday I will get to meet them!
love all the pics. the chris/adam sleeping nose to nose was especially touching. enjoy your 29th year! loved the pic of adam in allie's stroller, i really did have to take a second look because i thought it was a doll at first!
Those pictures are priceless! I love the sleepy guys and Allie with the manger. By the way, Happy 29! When I was 29 I had two kids about the same ages! Thanks for the pie recipe. I can't wait to try it for Christmas. I'm sure they will all love it!
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