Thursday, October 30, 2008

Adam's Belated 1st Birthday Celebration!

Chris has been home for two weeks now and on Tuesday we finally got around to celebrating Adam's 1st birthday. I took lots of pictures and I'm posting quite a few of them. But I know all the family really enjoys pouring over them - so, enjoy! Adam getting a little taste of the cupcake batter. Yummy!

My helper!

Yeah, we did "easy!" :)

Adam: "Hurry up mom!"
Adam's birthday dinner: Grilled chicken, salad, scalloped potatoes, squash and zucchini.
Gift time!

I think Allie was more excited than Adam.
Glow-in-the-dark soccer ball all the way from Iraq.

Very animated!

Adam's favorite gift: A tool box with kiddie tools. Super cute!

"YES! This is just what I wanted!!!"
Check out his measuring tape! :)
Gifts from the Yoders. Books and Elmo outfit! Thanks guys! :)

"I LOVE my new toys!" =)

Cupcake time!
He loved the candle, or should I say, the fire!!!! :)

He wasn't into eating the cake. He liked playing with it and then threw it all on the floor. I don't think he really likes sweet foods.

Check out my rubber bands on the chair. They are hooked to the drawer knobs so Adam can't pull the chair out and stand on it. Yes, I know, I'm so clever! =) He he!
Allie on the other hand would eat 10 cupcakes in one sitting if I would let her. I think she takes after Chris in the sweets department! :)
"All done mom!"

What a blessing this little boy is. He brings a smile to our faces everyday and warms your heart with his sweet spirit!
Eating breakfast with daddy the next morning. He LOVES Chris and has to be with him every minute he's home. :) Such a daddy's boy!

Okay, maybe he does like sweets once in a while! Getting to eat daddy's cereal is a special treat for the kids. We (me and the kids) don't usually eat sweet cereals. I don't like them - thanks to my mom never letting us eat them as kids! Which I think is great. Way too much sugar to be having every morning! So, like I said, it's a treat!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"Boys just want to have fun!" :)

The Roberts came over the other night so Chris and Earl could go for a bike ride together. I know Chris is super excited to have someone to ride with. And Earl's a long time Harley owner, so it makes them perfect riding buddies!! :)

Gail bought Earl's bike for him while he was in Iraq too!

There they go!

Gail and Earl

Joey and Allie