Now that we're a few weeks away from seeing daddy, we're really trying to stay busy. Anything to make the days go by alittle faster. I tell Allie every day how many more days we have. Adam has for some reason just gone crazy with saying "dada!" I think because he hasn't had a daddy he hasn't had a reason to say the word. But it's like he knows he'll be home soon and thinks he needs the practice saying his name! It's super cute and I just can't wait for Chris to hear him. :) Allie and Mac.
Homeschooling: Day 1
10 years ago
Did you get a new camera? Your pictures look great!!
Can't wait for the wait to be over for all of you! Glad you're having fun while waiting for the BIG DAY! Can't wait to see those little cuties again soon! (You and Chris, too)
Michelle, I just wanted you to know that you have beautiful kids.
:) Love you all and miss you guys alot!
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