Hard to believe that a year has already gone by and our dear, sweet, precious little boy is one today! It was around this time one year ago that we were on our way to the hospital. I had a VERY short labor. And just less than three hours after my labor started, Adam was born! 7 lbs. 15 oz. and 20 inches long. Born at 10:27 pm.
We love having our little boy and Adam has such a sweet, loving spirit! I'm thankful God decided to give us a boy, even though I thought I wouldn't know the 1st thing about having a boy - coming from a family with 9 girls! :) We didn't celebrate Adam's birthday today. We're waiting for Chris, so he can be part of Adam's special day. Out of the 4 birthdays our kids have had, Chris has missed 3! We're happy it works out this time that we can wait on daddy and we can all celebrate together!
Homeschooling: Day 1
10 years ago
May I first just say, thank goodness someone in this family keeps up with blog posting. Okay, now back to the birthday boy. Tell Adam I said Happy Belated Birthday for me. I can't believe he is already one, how much he has grown in just one year looking at all the pictures you'llve posted. Kids grow up way too fast these days. I can't wait to see all you guys, I wish my life was a little less hectic (grad school is keeping me 100% busy) and I could see you guys more. How are your chores coming along?
Oh, my goodness-he is SO, SO adorable! Can't wait for Chris to be home with him (and Allie, of course!) Know how much Chris enjoyed holding him so much when Adam was a baby. Don't know if Adam will go for all that holding now that he's walking! Happy Birthday, little guy! We love you and are looking forward to seeing you (ALL) in about a month!
OMG, he just gets cuter every day! Can't believe how big he's gotten. I only wish you guys lived closer so I could spend more time with you guys. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADAM!!
Michelle, this pictures are beyond cute! I LOVE the ones of him this morning, hiding and with his arms behind his head. He gets cuter everyday, even when you think it's not possible to get any cuter! happy birthday Chris' Mini-Me!
I love the picture of Adam under the bed!
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