We're a family again.... Chris came in last Thursday, October 16th. We've been so busy just being a family and spending time together that I haven't had the time (or even wanted to find the time) to post some pics. :) So now that he's working 1/2 days I've been able to actually sit down at the computer. It's so wonderful having him home and the kids just love having a daddy again. Adam is totally attached to Chris and never leaves his side. It's like they have a special bond and he knows that Chris is his daddy. Allie loves having him home too, but seems to get a little jealous when she's not getting all the attention. I guess that could be expected. She's used to having me all to herself and now has to share. I have lots more pics I'll try and post later, but here are ones from the day Chris got home. Enjoy!
Before we left the house Thursday morning.


Adam found a friend. :)

Waiting for the buses.

YAY! Here they come!!!!

Chris' bus. You can see him in the window?

As soon as he stepped off the bus some lady stopped him to ask if her husband/boyfriend was on Chris' bus. I was like, "come on lady! Don't you see he has a family waiting patiently for him!" :)

A family again!

Not sure who the lady is in our family picture. But there was so many people it was hard getting a picture without someone stepping in front of you. :)

Adam helping daddy with his bags!

It was a long wonderful morning!
Thanks to the girls for taking pictures for us and for coming to welcome Chris home!
It was a long 7 months, but he's home now and we're so thankful that God protected our daddy and brought him home safe and sound! Thanks to everyone for all the prayers and support. We couldn't have done it without you all!
Great pictures Chelly! I was on the phone doing housing hunting stuff when you called. But I heard your message. Everyone else is at co-op. Oh and Ryleigh has that shirt that Allie has on! Glad that Chris is home!
Yay, I've been checking everyday to see your reunion pictures. Not that I blame you for not wanting to be on the computer now that he's home! :) So glad he's back. Enjoy the time. Can't wait to see you in Nov!
Two words ... FINALLY and YEAH!!!! "and" is not one of the two words. Welcome home Chris!!! Can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks. Unfortunately Paul will be away at training for two weeks so you guys won't be able to swap stories in November ... he did admit that his stories would never compare to yours. But don't tell him I said that.
YEAH!! So glad you're finally home!! Can't wait to see everyone in November!!!!!!
You could actually feel the excitement in the pictures! And the look on Allie's face says it all! SO GLAD that you are all together again! Welcome Home, Chris! I know 2 crazy kids will be just as hard to handle as all your guys! Happy adjusting time! Looking forward to our wedding/family reunion! Good to see you with Adam again!
Welcome Home Chris. I'm thrilled for you guys!
Yay! So happy for you guys! I have about 1 more week and I'm holding on for dear life!!! :)
Thats awesome that they came home in the daytime too, night reunions are just not as fun!
Hi, Michelle and Chris,
So glad that you all are together again. We're praising the Lord for bringing you back safe and sound to your family, Chris! Thank you both for the sacrifices that you have made for our country. You guys are the best. Enjoy this special time and hope to see you when you're up in November, Chelly.
Welcome home Chris. Looks like it was a happy reunion for all.Hope to see you all soon.
Welcome Home Chris! Thank you for serving our country. Michelle, the pics are beautiful! I can't believe how big Allie is!
Take care and enjoy the family time : )
Welcome Home Chris!!! I don't know if it was the lovely music or the beautiful photo's but it made my eyes well up with tears of joy(&relief). Allie and Adam are so grown up and adorable.!! Chris you are one lucky guy to have such a gorgeous wife and two wonderful kids waiting for you at home. Enjoy your time together and looking forward to seeing you on the 14th............ Love, Aunt Debbie
Chris & family, Ron and I wanted to thank you for your service to USA and for protecting us by standing in the gap. We prayed daily for you after finding out that you were once again being deployed to Iraq. We also kept your precious family in prayer, as we know it had to be so very hard to be apart for such a long period of time. Welcome back Chris and enjoy your family.
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