The U.S. Marine Corps was founded in Philadelphia's Tun Tavern in 1775 by the Second Continental Congress. Each November 10th, the Marines celebrate the event with a ball and cake cutting ceremony in which the birthday cake is shaped like the tavern. Traditionally, the first piece of cake is presented to the oldest Marine present and the second piece to the youngest Marine present.
Happy Birthday and Semper Fidelis Marines! Especially to those who are gutting through MRE pound cake currently in Iraq. If you are feeling especially motivated check out this link.
Homeschooling: Day 1
10 years ago
Its your fellow Marine. Sure are some pretty awesome pictures. Happy birthday, man. Sure is awesome being a part of the very finest institution in the entire world!
Semper Fidelis Devil Dog!
Went to the video, Chris! Very inspiring and very sad. But this is real life. Thanks to you and Jason for all you do for us! We're proud of you both.
Wow Chris, you are pretty motivating, posting the Marine Corps history and all. :) Jason is at the ball as I type (wish all 4 of us could go again one year - that was fun), probably hearing the cake cutting tradition story at this very moment. I didn't get to go this year, but I have at least 10 more to go to, so.....
Sorry Liz, we do get a little fanatical at times...but here in the Marine Corps we like to call it dedication!! Most people just don't understand. (ha ha)
Glad you liked the pics Jason. Hope you had a nice ball, even if you had to go stag. Hope you behaved yourself without the old ball and chain.
I was just joking guys! :)
Really Chris, you couldn't think of something more original to call me than the old ball and chain? I thought you had a better imagination than that. Oh, I forgot you are a Marine and you know what they call you guys. :)
Time for an update! Need some more pictures of Allie and Chris, Chris and Chelle or Chelle and Allie!
I'm really proud of my brother's in laws, but sometimes... I don't know they're just a lil' weird about that whole " marine " thing... what is that anyways? Gosh, I guess I just don't understand. I kid of course!
GO ARMY!!...I had to say that for Brian hahaha...I guess I'm out of the group now? lol
Oh, that is fine Caitie. Trust me on this one, the Army needs all the help they can get!!!
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