The girls and their new hair-dos! :0

The boys!

Allie and Kyle sharing a coloring book - Wow, Allie's sharing!! :p

Climbing trees with the cousins! :)
It's been a fun week (except for when Allie has had her melt downs)... I'm sure Erin and Jason (and the kids) are ready for us to leave!!!
Sure that the good times are outweighing the meltdowns and other Allie episodes for you! Where there are children, there will be lots of life! And with life comes the good & the bad! It's how we deal with the bad that makes us into who we are! Anyone can deal with the good! So far, you & Erin are doing a GREAT job handling the bad!
Hey! Why are you saying we are ready for you to leave? We been trying to get you to stay longer all day! :)
Haha, Ryleigh looks like she belongs in the 'Grinch Stole Christmas' with Jim Carey as the grinch with that hair-do going on. And I'm sorry, but I think all of us could give those kids a run for their money when it comes to climbing trees.
That was so fun looking at all the pictures!
Looks like everybody had so much fun!! I bet that helped pass the time with Chris gone. Adam's getting so big and chubby!!!
Have to hurry...headed for a chopper flight to Diomede Island! LOVE the pics Chelly! Glad I finally got to your blog (and Erin's!) Can't WAIT to get together at Christmas!! Love you! xo Hide
Love the pictures. Allie sure seems like she fits in well with her cousins...just what she needed, I bet.
I just love looking at all the pictures especially the "cousins" ones. We call a baby as chubby and cute as Adam a "hunkachunk" of course we called our cute puppy that too! Glad you got to enjoy a "vacation?" with the relatives. I am sure it helped your time away from Chris go faster and what fun!!!
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