Trick or treating with the cousins down south. Allie had a blast and enjoyed telling everyone she was a pirate. -- Missed you Chris -- wish you could have been here! :(
Where is Ryleigh?? Aren't they all sooo cute! :)
Poor Allie, everyone thought she was a boy! ;(
Homeschooling: Day 1
10 years ago
Cute kids,Michelle!Allie looks like she makes a good pirate.Love the pictures!
Great pictures of such cute children!! Adam is looking as chubby as a pumpkin, but much cuter! Thanks, Chelle & Erin for keeping us so updated and informed of your time together! It's so nice thinking of you all together, enjoying each other's company (at least most of the time when no one is fighting!)
Very the pirate costume. Looks like you guys are having a lot of fun together. Can't wait til Christmas. I think Adam got in more trick or treating than Blake. :)
Great pictures Chelly.
The little boy Pirate was cute also the little Pumpkin head. Keep them coming. Really helps g-mom to get her mind off herself. Looks like you are having a great time with Erins family.
Precious!!!! What fun!
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