Waiting for daddy yesterday morning!
Yay, daddy's home! :) Allie doesn't look so sure about Chris, but actually she was really excited to see him. She gave him a big long hug - I just didn't get a picture of it! ;(
Chris and the little ones!
Poor Chris, he was so tired when he got home yesterday. It was all he could do just to stay awake to spend time with us! =(
Adam with his daddy!
Homeschooling: Day 1
10 years ago
Yay! So glad he's home. Enjoy your time together. We just found out Brian is leaving Monday for another 3 weeks. Just the way it is I guess... At christmas we'll all be all together. Can't wait! :)
Welcome home Chris! Hope to see you guys (and Brian and Jen too) at Christmas!
wow, chris looks sooo tired. poor guy. glad the family is back together! :-) love allie's pig tails!
Love those pig tails!Welcome home Chris,you look so great holding your two wonderful kids.Can't wait to see you all at Christmas!
They are all so cute together!Glad you are all safely back together. I love the picture of Allie screaming. Makes me want to go find that video of Ashleigh and you. Remember when you came in from our garage and left her in there. She was furious and told you so and we caught it on tape. I am so glad that someone doesn't follow me around with a video camera and catch all my wonderful moments. It is good for a great laugh, however. It is funny when a little kid "loses it" but not too funny when you see it in an adult. Thanks so much for the picture of Adam. Eric came in with it saying how adorable. Yep, he is right!
Wow, haven't had too many moments to get on the computer and see my adorable NC Grandkids! SO glad now that Chris is home and life will be normal once again for you all! Dad just loved Allie's ponytails!
Just found out Brian ISN'T going to that school... just letting you know. Can't wait to see you guys in just over a month! Hope you're enjoying family time. :)
Hey... I don't know for sure but we're going to NJ this time for actual Christmas day so we probably will come to PA on the 27th or so. I know it's only a short time... maybe we can talk you guys into staying a little longer?? :)
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