Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Back To Everday Life! :-)

Allie taking advantage of a warm sunny day!

Hangin' out watching mommy wash the car. This little outfit was from Grandpa and Grandma Y. - Thanks guys - it fits him already! ;)
Such a sweet little boy!
Mom, here is a pic. of Allie's new hair cut. It's not a great shot, but you can see it lays really nice and looks A LOT better!!!
"I'm a big boy now!"
"ME TOO!" (a big girl) =]
More of my beautiful boy -- can you tell I think he's cute?? :)

"Mom, do you like my new earrings?"
Yeah, I was as surprised about Adam wearing earrings as Adam looks. Chris sure wouldn't think it was funny if Adam really came home with his ears pierced. But for now, I guess it's funny! :)
Mom, this is the little sweater you gave him... fits well! ;)


Vicki & Bruce said...

LOVE the pictures! The reason I liked that sweater is because it said "Thank Heaven for Little Boys!" and I DO! And I can tell you do too! What a cutie! Like Allie's haircut! Before I read the caption about Adam's earrings, I thought, "What are those pink things on his blue outfit?" Never thought I'd see earrings on Chris Yoder's son-that Chris Yoder put ON his son! Too funny! Thanks for the update!

Brian and Jen said...

Looks like you're settling back in to life well... I love Allie's haircut. Natalie's is curly again with the humidity so it looks better again. :) Love the earrings (that's something Brian would do to Blake too!

Erin said...

Love the look on Adam's face with the earrings. That is classic! The one of them on the school bench is really cute too!!

Anonymous said...

Allie's hair looks super cute.

Earl and Gail said...

love the new pics, especially the ones on the bench. and i LOVE the sleeping Adam pic. He's too precious for words! You're giving me baby fever!