Monday, January 28, 2008

Thank You, Grandma, Grandpa and Buddy!

G-mam and G-dad,
A big thank you from Allie for her Hannah Montana shirt! :) She loves it!! She is wearing it now, and I'm sure I'll have a hard time keeping her from wearing it the rest of this week! ;-) Allie was so excited about her new shirt that she hugged it after opening the package! :)
Opening her special package from G-mom and G-dad!
Adam and Daddy checking out some motorcycles online! :)Adam ~ 3 1/2 months old

Chris and his "Mini me"!

Adam just loves to sit or stand, so we tried out the door jumper yesterday and he loved it! ;)
Rolled over for the first time last week ~ 3 1/2 months! :)


Earl and Gail said...

Yay! he rolled over. Yay! Motorcycles. Yay! Hannah montana! loved the pics!

Vicki & Bruce said...

Now Lindsey & Allie can match with their "Ha Tanna" shirts! Isn't it like G-Mom to think of others even when she is so sick! Adam is a perfect "Gerber" baby!

Anonymous said...

Adam is getting cuter every time I see him!!!

Erin said...

We got a package from Grandmom Jeanie and Granddad Aubrey this week too! Mom is right, so like her to send packages to us, when we should be sending them to HER. Great pictures of Adam, he is really changing!

The Arnold Family said...

I love the one of Adam between Allie and her doll. It looks as if he's realizing that she considers him to be one of her dollies ;) I can't believe how big he's getting!! They're both so cute! Can't wait to see you all on Saturday!! YAY!

Anonymous said...

awww....Chelly, I miss you guys so much! Adam is getting so big, and way too cute :-) love Allie's new shirt! tell her I miss her! love, Sarah

Unknown said...

Yay for Adam! Lana has sort of "fallen" over from her belly to her back just from her huge head wobbling over too far, but I don't think that counts. :-) Your kids are both adorable!

Anonymous said...

oh my word Adam is soo cute!! can't wait to see you guys this summer!
Love Meg