Here is just a taste of our trip to beautiful PA. We had such a nice visit with all of you and so happy to spend another Christmas with all the family! :) Happy New Year!
Adam's 1st Christmas! Sleeping the day away while we opened gifts!
Chris with his air compressor... a Craftsmen tool he has wanted for some time now! :) Somehow I missed Allie opening her gifts... not sure how that happened. :( Sorry, Allie!
Christmas dinner with Chris' family.

Bethany helping out with the big meal.

Lets EAT!!!

Our happy little man!

Christmas day with my hubby!

Helping grandpa light some candles.

Grandma and Bethany.

Breakfast at McDonald's! :) Thanks grandma! :)

Aunt Bethany, Allie and Natalie

Bill and Linda, just want to thank you for your hospitality again this year!! :) We always love staying with you guys and REALLY ENJOY all the wonderful meals! :p Thanks for spoiling us -- already looking forward to next year! :)

Presents from Brian and Jen - Thanks guys!

Grandma D. with Adam - her first time meeting our kids.

Uncle Josh, Allie, Aunt Lindsey, Aiden and Kyle

Dinner with the A's. Great dinner, mom and dad! ;)

All the sisters. Back row L to R: Erin, Elizabeth, Ashleigh, me. Front row: Annah, Megan, Lindsey, Aimee and Sarah. The boys, Joe and Josh, didn't want to be in the picture. :(

Some of the gang. :)

Aimee taking pics of the snow. :)

Dad and Mom's house.

Dinner at Red Lobster with all of the older siblings. ^ Jason and Erin

Liz and Matt

Chris, Ashleigh and Adam

US! :)

Joe and Caitie

And.... Ashleigh with her date! :)

Beautiful PA!!!

Adam and Little Isaac

Me, Heidi and Holly's little one.

Breakfast with some old friends! :)

Liz, Holly and Isaac

Jen, Bri and little Blake

Grandma D. (Linda's mom) and Linda

The Yoder cousins: Adam, Allie, Blake and Natalie

Chris with his parents!

Four generations: Clara, Linda, Chris and our two little ones.

So good seeing you, Grandma D. Thanks for making that trip -- hope it's not another four years before we see you again! Thanks for all the gifts!

Christmas with the Kings -- G-dad and G-mom with two of the youngest great-grand kids.

Adam relaxing with Aunt Megan.

Uncle Joe

Aunt Debbie and Ryan -- Good seeing you guys! Aunt Debbie, thanks again for the kids gifts - Allie loves her movie and watches it a few times a week!!! :) Thanks for being so thoughtful!

Smile guys... life isn't that bad!

G-mom K. with Al

Sarah, Aimee and Ash

More presents! :) Thanks G-mom and G-dad!!

Allie Chatting with G-mom and Buddy

Josh very excited about his cool new car!!

Ryan and Ryleigh

Alex with Adam

Uncle Jeff and Ryan again! :)

All the gang - (minus - CAITIE :-), Matt and Paul). Top row: Adam, Chris, Aiden, Megan, Annah, Allie (the back of her head), Ashleigh, Liz. Middle row: Me, Ryan, Lindsey, Alex Erin, Ryleigh, Jason and Joe. Front row: Kyle, Aimee, Sarah and Josh.

My wonderful Dad and Mom. Thanks again for another wonderful Christmas with the family! :) It's always nice coming home and spending time with you all! :) So glad we all get along - most of the time! :) Thanks also for the presents for the kids and my candles! :)

Joe getting a goodbye kiss from Chris -- not sure how much he is liking this! :)

Annah and G-dad K.

Allie the kiddos in G-mom's tub

All tuckered out from our long holiday!

Allie dreaming about her next trip to PA! ;)
Thanks, Chelle! SO ENJOYED remembering our wonderful Christmas time together again! Looking forward to the next get together!
YES! My photography work made it to your blog, hehe! Can't wait to see you guys again, just think, Christmas next year both Chris and Paul will be home. Woohoo!!!
I'm not sure that Allie is having good dreams about your next trip! :)
Great job, for the SECOND time! :) I noticed that on your first blog the picture with all your sisters you said "All my beautiful sisters" this time it just says something like "All the girls". Did we lose our beauty overnight?? :) LOL And I think Allie probably is having nightmares about Ryleigh taking her toys.
Great job with all the pictures. It was so fun to be with you guys over Christmas. I'm just now sitting down to finally do our blog. It's been such a crazy week trying to readjust to the time change, weather change, etc. :) Love you guys!
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