Here are the rest of our vacation pics -- ones I didn't even realize I had! :) I also added a few of Allie getting her 1st hair cut and some of our beautiful little boy!! ;) Enjoy!
My new favorite pics of Adam
What a cutie!!!!!!

Socks on his hands to keep him from scratching himself. :)

Allie getting ready for her 1st hair cut! Exciting times!!!!

Are we having fun yet??

Her new earrings from Sherry - she LOVES them!! ;)

Back in PA at Grandma A.'s house. Helping with some baking. :)

The girls all dressed up for a princess Christmas party... can you guess who they are?? All Disney princesses/characters.

Josh with his buddy.

Opening gifts at G-mom A.'s

The clean up crew.


Chris, Allie and Bill working on Grandpa's new fire pit! ;)

Learning how to drive young!

Allie's new winter coat we had to buy just to go home -- PA is usually very cold in Dec. :)

A beautiful fire on Christmas morning!

Hangin out with Grandma!

Check out those antlers!!

Allie opening her gifts/stocking Christmas morning. :) I knew I had to have some pics of her!!!

Helping daddy with his gifts!

Hmm, wonder what this could be.....

A cradle!! :) YAY!

Any guesses on this gift? :-)

The ladies opening some more gifts!

Back at the Kings -- Allie, Annah, Aimee, Caitie and Sarah.

Lizzy and Alex

Dad with one of his youngest kiddos. :)

What a cutie! :)

Aiden was the only one that would look for this picture... not sure why Allie and Lindsey wouldn't! :) Moody little girls, I guess!! :) He he! :-)

Erin with her oldest, Aiden. :)
Thanks for more, Chelle! Show us a picture of Allie's hair all cut and finished! She seemed to be sitting so nice and still! Adam's little personality is starting to shine through!
I bought that same exact coat that Allie has for my neice for Christmas! Great minds think alike!!
I thought it was Blake in some of those Adam pictures! :) Glad to see she's wearing the pajamas... we're using the clothes you (and Erin) gave for Blake. They're perfect...since we've moved into 12months clothes now... ahh!!
I love that pic of the girls dressed up as princesses!
Love the pictures!Those memories will last a lifetime.Love to all!
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