Sunday, April 20, 2008

Catching Up!

Adam and Allie swing on Grandpa's big tire swing.

Fun - fun!
Bethany took this picture so I'm not really sure why Allie was upset. Maybe she didn't want her picture taken! ;)
Allie's face is a classic "sad face" for her. :) I don't think Adam is enjoying grandpa's wood pile! ;)This must be a little more fun... he is such a cutie! ;)

Helping grandpa celebrate is special day.
Grandpa order Cornish hens for his birthday dinner. Allie even got a whole one all of her own! ;)
Taking a hike up the lane.

skipping rocks with Aunt Bethany.


Anonymous said...

We are wondering where we are......did we see you? Are you part of this family?


(everyone at moms)

Earl and Gail said...

I love all these pictures. Adam really is one of the most handsome baby boys I've ever seen!!! and Allie gets more gorgeous every day. You got some cuties there!