Monday, April 07, 2008

More pics for daddy!

Trying out some peas and carrots - six months old.

Lunch with Grandpa and Bethany.

Some yummy treats from grandpa! :)

Allie wearing mom-mom's glasses. Doesn't she look like a little teacher! :)
This face is for you daddy! :)
Adam learning how to sit up on his own. :)

Napping with grandpa Y.

All tuckered out after a long, hard day of everyone holding me! :)
Aimee, Megan and Annah. This was a beautiful warm spring day.
Lindsey and Adam.
Lindsey, Adam (what a face), Rae and Allie enjoying the sunshine!

Love those baby blues!
Is there something on my nose?
Shopping with mommy at Karn's. Allie thought she was such a big girl with her own little cart! ;)
My precious babies!


Anonymous said...

How cute! Its been great having you guys home.

Brian and Jen said...

Adam is getting so cute. He and Blake are going to have a ball this summer. I've been meaning to call everyday but it never works out with the time difference, although you're probably not exactly going to bed early being home with family! :)
I will keep trying!

Erin said...

Love those outdoor photos of the kids. The background is so pretty. The one of Allie shopping is cute too! I am sure she loved that.

Erin said...

Love those outdoor photos of the kids. The background is so pretty. The one of Allie shopping is cute too! I am sure she loved that.

Allison Sangree said...

Michelle, it was great spending time with you, your sweet children and family.

They're doing well Chris, they are in good hands (and you are too), and you're in my prayers!

Earl and Gail said...

love the video for chris. i really miss you guys! the pictures are gorgeous! I can't believe how old Adam is getting!!! Tell Allie Joey misses her! (and me too!)