Thursday, April 24, 2008

More PA pics.

Beware.... lots of pictures to follow!!! :) We had such a wonderful time visiting with all our PA family! I loved having all extra help and someone always there to talk with. Allie and Adam loved all the attention! :) We miss you guys already and hope we get lots of visits from all of you this summer! :) Adam 1st time trying out baby food - he loves it!!!!

Adam in his Bumbo.

Uncle Joe and Adam became close friends during our visit home. I know Adam must miss his favorite Uncle! :)

Playing football with Joe - Daddy would be so proud!!! :)

Hanging out with grandpa and Aunt Bethany.
One of Adam's other favorite foods is pizza crust. He just chews on it until it is all soft and gross. :0

One of the highlights of being at mom-mom's was getting to spend some time with the cousins. :) As you can see, they all seem very happy. And look like they live in PC! :) Ha ha!

I think this pic is so funny. You have Lindsey, looking like she's day-dreaming, Adam, not happy about sitting in the grass, Allie, checkin' something out to her right and Trinity, trying to get in the picture! :)
More fun on Uncle Josh and Aunt Lindsey's swing set.

Lizzy and Matt -- nice bikes guys! I love PA in the spring time. It is so beautiful and GREEN! :) That's one of the things I miss most about PA... it's 4 beautiful seasons!
Check out this grass.... they don't even water it!! ;) It's so soft and thick you just want to lay down and take a nap on it! ;)

Liz and the kids watching me take pics outside.
Adam with is best buddy (one of his best buddies)! :)
Joe (and mom) were very good at putting Adam to sleep for me.... where are you guys now!!!!!
Awww, looks like these girls had a hard day!
Lizzy and Matt just hangin' out!
Sarah looking oh so good in Lizzy's helmet!!
The "little girls" having a picnic! :) Allie dress her self that day. See how she has on every color in the rainbow! :)
More fun with the cousins.

The girls with meatball (a.k.a. Adam)! :)
Caitie and I
All the kids (and one dog) ganging up on Joe.
Mom making another wonderful meal!
Aunt Lizzy with her girls!

Adam really didn't like the grass.

Awww, how cute! Erin's kids!
My big, little brother! :) He he, Joe, I don't think you're "BIG"!!! :)
My wonderful mom with my crazy kids. Look at them... one is crying and the other one is so annoyed.

Adam with his great-grandfather. Thanks g-dad for letting us come down and spend the night with you. It made for a shorter, more easy trip the next day!
G-dad's good pal, Buddy!
This last pic was taken after we got home. Adam had such a wonderful visit with all the family that it just wore him out. He fell asleep sitting up during his dinner on Tuesday night! :)
A big thanks to everyone for all your help, love, support and prayers! :) Miss you all and hope to see you soon!


Brian and Jen said...

So good to see all those pictures of your time at home. Only wish we'd been there too...although 2 more kids thrown into the mix might have been a little much! :)
I got your email about not coming, I don't blame you at all, I don't think I'd be up for it either. I'll call you soon.

Anonymous said...

Great pics Chelly!! What cute nieces and nephews I have!!! :) It was nice having you up to visit. I only wish I didn't have to work so much. :(

Vicki & Bruce said...

Today was the first Monday that you OR Erin were not here since March 17! Kind of depressing, but not it's time to get some serious work done! We sure miss you all! Wish you all lived a LOT closer!

Anonymous said...

O my word our grass does look beautiful. We miss you guys so much :( What Mom said "We wish you guys lived a lot closer".

Earl and Gail said...

loved all the pics Michelle, especially all the kiddos in the grass. and with popsickles. Cute! glad you're home.

Erin said...

...and a good time was had by all!! Awww, I love our family! :) Looking forward to the beach trip this summer!! All the photos are great Chelly. I like the ones you got of all our kids on the hill. Yours are better than mine, I like how you have a lot of the sky in the background.

Melissa said...

So many cute pictures! It looks like everyone had a great time while you were visiting. And I must say that Adam is one very cute baby!