Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Spending time with our PA family!

Adam is loving all the attention he is getting here in PA - he is now very, very spoiled!!!

Allie and G-dad playing on Lindsey's computer - they look like they don't know what they're doing! :)
Allie and Lindsey
Aimee doesn't want her picture taken! ;)

Adam loves Uncle Joe, they are best bubs. :) Poor Joe, he has no head! :(
Very interested in Uncle Joe's phone
G-mom Y. with sleeping Adam. :)
Playing games with grandma on Sunday afternoon.

Just want you to know I've been trying to e-mail you, but for some reason you're not getting them! Not sure why... We love and miss you and hope to hear from you soon!


Erin said...

That video of Adam laughing is so cute!! I hope you guys stay until we come up again in a few weeks. I know it is crazy with us all there, but fun, and makes for great memories!

Brian and Jen said...

I love the laughing video. Blake is such a giggler too. Can't wait to get them together this summer, they'll be crawling and walking all over the place! :)

Brian and Jen said...

I love the laughing video. Blake is such a giggler too. Can't wait to get them together this summer, they'll be crawling and walking all over the place! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey! What happened?? I thought you were doing a new post!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pics. Looks like you guys are having a lot of fun with the family. I miss you all! Take care.

Anonymous said...

Love all the pictures! I wish I could be there with you all.
I've looked that this post a few times and everything I laugh so hard at the pictures with Joe without a head. lol They are amusing.

Love you all!