Allie had her 1st Dentist appointment today. It went GREAT, much to my relief. I wasn't sure how well she would do, but was so pleased when she sat still through the whole cleaning and checkup. Our hygienist, Suzanne, did such a great job keeping Allie entertained and was done before we both knew it! :) Just wanted to post some pics for Chris so he could see what a fun day we had! :) HA!
Getting ready for fluoride.

In case anyone is wondering, Allie had a bug bit and needed/wanted a band aid for it. :) Looks good sticking out of her shirt, right! :)

Dr. Black said she had beautiful teeth and should be in a model for a dentist text book. I'm sure she says that to all her "little" patients. :)

Open wide!

Beautiful clean teeth and no cavities!

Adam is now crawling everywhere and I have to really watch him. He is always finding something new to put in his month. He love being outside and doesn't even seem to mind crawling around on the drive way.

He thinks sitting under dad's truck is really cool! :)

The kids love corn on the cob! Yummy!

Allie having fun on Joey's bouncy house that he got from his daddy. Looks fun, right! Wish I was a kid! :)

Look how big he is getting! :(

I don't think Adam is enjoying the hug!

Look at that face -- such a sweetheart!
Yay for Allie! That 1st dentist trip is a standard setter! If she has a good 1st experience, the rest are much easier!
Great pictures Chelly. Adam is cute sitting under Chris truck. Glad Allie enjoyed the dentist.
Good job Allie!! Your teeth look so pretty and clean!! :)
aww... Adam is getting so darn cute!!!! and Allie does have really nice teeth!
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