One of Allie's gifts for her b-day this year was a new two wheeler bike. When we found it at Toys R Us the other day, she jumped right on and started riding around. After I decided that I was going to buy the bike, she got to ride it all the way up to check out and then out to the car. Too bad we can't take it with us every time we go to the store. She was so good and loved that she got to followed me around on her cool new bike! ;)
A princess umbrella for the princess. :)

Love, Daddy, Mommy and Adam
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALLIE! Be sure and check out my blog for a belated blog wish! We love you and are SURE GLAD God sent you to Mommy & Daddy! What a sweetheart you are!
Forgot to comment on how big she looks on her new bike! Can't believe she is big enough to ride a two wheeler already! Next thing you know, she'll have those training wheels off!
Happy Belated Birthday Allie!!!! We miss you!!
Happy Birthday Allie!!! Looks like you had a fun birthday! Where are the elbow and knee pads when you're supposed to be wearing them?? :)
aww.... Allie is so adorable! happy late birthday Allie! i love you!
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