On our way to buy the Christmas tree.
We usually get our tree the very beginning of December, but this year the kids were sick and it was like the 15th before we even got around to buying one . Eastern NC is not like home where there is a Christmas tree farm around every corner. So, you have to buy a pre-cut tree, and this year because we waited so long we didn't have much to choose from. We ended up with one that has a huge hole on one side and I guess a very crooked trunk. :( The whole tree thing was a total nightmare this year.....

After getting the tree home, lights on, and in the tree stand. We found that the lights (that I had checked before putting on) were out in the middle. Then shortly after that, I noticed that there was water all over the floor under the tree. Yep, the stand had a crack in it. :(

So, out to the store the next day to buy more lights and a new stand. Once back at home we added the new lights and put the tree back up in it's new stand. But this time we could not get the tree straight.

About a week after the tree was all up and decorated we came home one night to find it laying on the floor. To say the least, I wasn't very happy to see broken ornaments all over the floor. But to make matters worse, after Chris had cleaned up the whole mess the tree fell again! This time breaking the rest of my special ornaments - ones that can't be replaced! :(

The tree is still standing, (although, I wanted to throw it out before Christmas even got here) let's just hope that next year we have a few less problems! :) Merry Christmas everyone!

Awwww Michelle, I feel like you and Erin didn't have a good Christmas this year at all. Glad you finally got pictures up and hope to see you soon. ;) I'm waiting on Ryan to let me know if he'll be joining.
awww, those are cute pictures of the kids looking at the tree.
Had a similar crooked tree, and falling down incident, but without the ornaments. Still love the glow of the soft lights at night and will put up with tree problems because of it! Adam looks so grown up standing there in that one picture! Be glad when he likes girls again! Allie looks like quite the little mother.
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