Allie learning how to drive Pa pa's zero turn John Deere tractor! Not an easy task. My mom and dad also have a zero turn mower, and I think they're hard to drive. Pretty impressive for a little girl, huh! :)
Pa Pa's woods! :)
So beautiful!
One evening Chris, Allie and I went with Bethany roller skating. Allie didn't do so well in the beginning, but by the end of the night she was an old pro! :)
Roller skating with Aunt Bethany and Bethany's friend, Kim.
"That was fun!"
This was Allie's 1st time skating and she seemed to have lots of fun. I know she enjoyed having some "alone" time with just mommy and daddy too. Something we haven't had since Adam came along. She just eats up attention and it's always nice getting some extra "me" time with your mom and dad! :) A big thanks to Grandma for watching Adam so we could go! :)
Adam the next morning hiding with daddy's cell phone! :) Little stinker!!
Love PaPa's Woods! It's so wonderful to see their beautiful new house in that gorgeous setting!
Aww, makes me miss PA.
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