Since we were in PA for Aimee and Uncle Jeff's birthday's I didn't get around to posting anything for them. I didn't forget about you guys, just wasn't able to blog while on vacation! :) Last week I didn't get to blog for Joe's birthday because Adam was sick all week (still is - and now Chris and Allie are too!). G-dad's birthday is today, so I thought I would roll everyone's birthday blog into one big birthday wish! Sorry for the belated birthday wishes!! We love you all! Happy sweet 16th, Aimee! I thought this was great pic. of you and since G-mom will NEVER look at our blog I thought it was safe to post this one! :) We love you Aimee! You have such a beautiful smile and a loving sweet spirit! Keep up the good work! Happy Belated Birthday!

G-dad, Happy, Happy Birthday! I'm so happy mom and Uncle Jeff are able to spend the day with you. I'm sure you appreciate the company! We love you and I'm thankful for such a special, wonderful grandparent! :) Hope to see you soon!
Much love,
Chris, Chelly, Allie and Adam
Happy Birthday everyone!! Nice job Chelly!
Thanks Chelly for the nice birthday comments. Love that picture with my little buddy.
Hope every one feels better soon.
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