Adam and one of his favorite Uncles! :) I think if you asked Joe, he would say Adam likes him the best! :) Right Joe! :)

Miss Allie and Caitie.

Dinner with some of the gang.

Caitie and Joe entertaining Adam.

Allie with Mom-mom. Thanks Mom for all the great dinners and for babysitting. It's always nice coming home and having one of your great home cooked meals! :)

Do they get any sweeter than this?

Mom playing play dough with the kids.

Getting all cozy with Mom-mom and Aunt Lindsey.

Aunt Sarah, Allie, Aunt Lindsey and Aunt Megan.

Hangin' out with Joe and Caitie - They made us a wonderful meal one night(Joe and Caitie, I'm not just saying that, it was great!). =) Thanks for having us over guys it was lots of fun!! :)

Adam wanted to trash the place, but Uncle Joe wouldn't let him! :)
Allie and Lindsey look a lot alike in that one picture on the sofa!
Chelle! I miss you guys! How are things in the south? I bet a heck of a lot more enjoyable than up here!!! IT'S COLD! Hope to see you soon!
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