I can't believe it's been a month now since I've blogged anything about our family. :( I'm such a slacker! :p Chris has been home a lot lately (work is giving them some extra time with family before they leave for Iraq). We always enjoy having him home, but it keeps me from getting to the computer to update. :) I few weekends ago he put in a new bathroom floor in our guest bath. He always does such a nice job (such a perfectionist). I thought you guys would enjoy seeing some of his handy work! :) Before the old floor came out!
More helpers then you know what to do with!

Yay for pictures! Glad you've been getting a little extra family time in. I recognize that little hat on Adam, looks good! :)
Forgot to say that the bathroom looks AWESOME! :)
Never heard of the "shovel ride", but that's pretty creative! Thanks for the update-great pictures, adorable kids, and you know how I like home improvement! Looking good in NC! Lots for G-Mom Jeannie to see when she comes home from the hospital today.
FINALLY!! :) Great pictures! Adam is getting so big! Great job on the tile, Chris! Too bad you can't come up and help us. We'll probably be doing lots of tile work in the next couple of weeks. Give my love to the kidos!!
Love the floor, love the new chair, love Adam in the cute clothes (reminds me of when the boys were little) and love seeing Allie riding a shovel! :)
Love the new background-and looking at those cute kids again! Forgot to mention how I like your new chair, too.
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