So the countdown begins... Chris leaves tomorrow for Iraq for a 7 (or more) month deployment. Keep him in your prayers as he leaves yet again to protect us and our freedom!
We love you Hon and already miss you! Counting down the days until you are back with us safe and sound! :)
All our love,
Chelly and the kids
Homeschooling: Day 1
10 years ago
We're praying for you all! I know everyone will be safe and we're all looking forward to this fall! If you're still heading home, have a very safe trip, Michelle. Let us know if you need anything.
While Chris protects his country, we will all do our part here in Perry County to protect his family while he is away (if we can convince Michelle to stay longer than a few weeks!) God Bless, Chris. May the days speed by! We love you and will pray for you!
Michelle, I'll be praying for you and the kids, and tell Chris we'll be praying for him, and missing him :( love you guys! Love, Sarah
Two kids will make it go by real fast! Soon as you get his address, let me know so I can send him those razors. See you next week!
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