Friday, March 14, 2008

Our Good-Bye's to Daddy!

One last kiss before daddy takes off! ;(

Chris with the kids.
Our family!
Me and my handsome Marine!
Good-bye's with Allie.

Sorry Erin, I stole your idea! :)
"Don't leave, daddy!"
"I love you, daddy!"

Kisses for Allie.
Chris left with the advance party - only around 100 Marines. The rest of the Battalion will follow in a week or so.
Chris - middle left
One last hug good-bye....
See you in 7 months!
Allie was so cute/sad yesterday when the buses left. She was waving and yelling "good-bye, daddy" until we couldn't see the bus any longer. :( I know she really doesn't understand time and that daddy won't be coming home at night, but she was a good sport and seems okay with daddy being gone. For now! :)
Chris, we love and miss you. Hope to hear from you soon!
Chelly, Allie and Adam


Anonymous said...

7 months... that's kinda depressing.

Brian and Jen said...

Hey. We are praying double hard for you guys today... and this week...and these next months! We're here for you!! :)
PS.Love the background.

Earl and Gail said...

so sorry Michelle. i'm heartbroken for you and your kids. (and for me and joey soon...) have fun in PA. we'll miss you!

The Arnold Family said...

Looking at your pictures is so hard. We're praying for all of you. Our sad day is approaching too quickly as well. Have a safe trip home!

Anonymous said...

Nice job honey, I love you guys and miss everyone already. This blog is going to be really nice for me to keep up. You can always count on Joe for that pick-me-up when you need it. Nice one :)

Vicki & Bruce said...

Gotta hate terrorism and the reason behind those good-byes. You sure captured the emotion in those pictures-makes you cry-mostly for Chris in that foreign place away from his family-heartbreaking.