Thursday, May 29, 2008

Allison's 3rd Birthday!

So, today was the day we celebrated Allie's 3rd birthday. Erin and the kids are here visiting so I thought we would have the party a few days early and include them in the festivities. We only wish daddy could have been here, the day was just not complete with him gone. =( Chris, I hope you enjoy the pics. and it helps you feel like you were part of our day. Miss you and hope you're feeling better soon! :( Aiden, Allie and Kyle all ready for the party to start!
Allie with her special birthday tiara. She didn't want her picture taken for some reason so I had to sneak a few in. Not sure why she was standing in the corner in the next pic. I guess she was planning ahead for the next time she was naughty. :)

Enjoying our beautiful day.
Allie wanted a princess cake for her birthday. Lots of goodies!

Cake time!

Landon wishing he was old enough for some cake!

Thanks to everyone that came and for making Allie's birthday so special! I know she had a blast and loved all the gifts! :)


Vicki & Bruce said...

Happy Birthday, Allie! Looked like a fun party! Didn't see any pictures of her special cousin, Ryleigh! The antique wash stand looks nice in the living room! When I first looked at the video, thought you were having cake in the guest room! Glad to see Allie having such a great time with her cousins and friends (and Aunt Erin!)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Allie! I wish I could have been with you on your special day. Looks like Mom did a pretty good job though on her own. I love you and and am proud to see what a big girl you are becoming. I miss you and will see you soon.


Anonymous said...

Good job Chelly with Allie birthday.This is what g-mom enjoyed seeing when she was living. Looks like every one was enjoying it. Happy birthday Allie.