Friday, May 16, 2008

Chelly Made Jelly!

Allie and I made some yummy freezer jam this afternoon. My mom had made some for Chris a few years back and he loved it. So, it's now strawberry season, and I thought I should make some for when he gets home. I wasn't sure how many strawberries to buy and how much a box or two would make. :) I did call mom a few times and even thought if g-mom was here I could have asked her. :( She was one (along with my mom) that was always making yummy home-made goodies. Grandma would have been so proud of me today! :) The picture above is how many berries we started out with -- doesn't look like much, right?
Allie was my big helper today!

We had to make a special trip to the store just to get more containers ... we now have enough jelly/jam for the next few years! So, what makes them different? Does jelly have a smooth texture and jam have lumps of fruit? I should know this! We probably only go through one or two jars of jelly a year. So, as you can see, 18 container will last us a life time!! ;) HA!Adam with his "big boy" cup!
On our little trip to the store today, Allie found these beautiful shoes. How could I pass them up... for one dollar, I had a very happy little girl!!
What cute little feet! :)

Every time I see this pic it just makes me laugh. She has such a funny face and she's looking a little chubby too! :) Too cute!
Showin' some luv!!
Adam just loves his big sis!!
"Help, Mom!" :)

Allie playing hop scotch. Mom showed her how to play back in Oct. when she was down visiting. Allie is not one to forget things and even remembers who taught her the game!


Earl and Gail said...

Great pictures. Sorry we don't eat much jelly either or else I'd ask to borrow a container. :-) See you tomorrow!

Erin said...

I'll take some jelly!!! Love the "chubby" pic of Allie. And Adam is just too darn cute. :)

Vicki & Bruce said...

Chelly's Jelly-how original! You could start your own home business! And how cute are those kids!

Anonymous said...

I like jelly!