Hey Alex!
So, how old are you this year?? You're getting closer and closer to 30!! :) Scary! :) JK! Well, I just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday! :) I love that you're our cousin and that we get alone so well! I'm looking forward to moving back home and then maybe we'll get to see you more than once a year!! :) Love you lots! Happy Birthday again!
Chris, Chelly, Allie and Adam
Homeschooling: Day 1
10 years ago
THANKS! 24, I know scary. Good choice of picture, although I would have thought you'd use the one from Christmas when I was holding Adam, he's such a cutie. I can't wait for you guys to move back up this way, we will definitely see more of each other. And I love our phone calls, expect another one come this Friday. Yes yes, I am getting closer to 30, it is scary. Love you guys!
Happy B-Day Alex. Still waiting for those cookies that you promised! JK Nice pics Michelle, Adam is growing up so fast. I miss you all.
Oh, yes, need to update my blog for Alex's birthday! Painting, cleaning, evaluations-no time for the computer! Happy Belated birthday, Alex! May get a blog up today-way behind on that!
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