Saturday, May 03, 2008

Home again!

It's great being home and getting back into our normal routine. We had a great first few days and then the kids got sick. Allie with a cough, runny nose and fever, and Adam somehow got that Hand, foot, mouth disease. Kinda weird since he really isn't in contact with many people and we don't know anyone that has/had it. Anyway, this pic was taken at the park last week before all the sickness. :0 Allie, Allie, Addison and Garrett.
Already so warm here.

Thinking of daddy!
Actually, she was watching this guy that was jumping in the river for a swim. :)Wanta fight?? Checking out the view!

1st time at the beach this year.
Adam actually loved the beach, but when I was taking this pic he decided that he wanted held. :)
Picnic dinner with the girls. This boy might be crawling before he's 1! :) He's just so different than Allie. At this age Allie was just about to take her first step. He's just not interested and is content to lay around! :)

Love those baby blues!
Allie and I made a paper chain countdown for the days we have left until Chris gets home. She remembers every morning that we get to tear one off.
Adam's rash from HFMD.
Hangin' out with some clean clothes. :)
Allie had to join in the fun! :)


Earl and Gail said...

Love the pics but some didn't show up. Glad the kids are getting better! See ya soon!

Earl and Gail said...

Nevermind, I reloaded and they all showed up. Great pics. Adam's rash doesn't look bad at all!

Brian and Jen said...

Sorry to hear about the sicknesses... but looks like they're feeling better and keeping you busy. :) Natalie was our "slower to move" one and Blake is the one going fast. First steps will be anyday now! Love you guys!

Vicki & Bruce said...

Seeing those cute, adorable faces make me miss them SO! But I know it's so much easier to be in your own home! But loved while you were here! Can't wait til our family beach time! Keep those pictures coming!

Erin said...

I love seeing Adam in the boys clothes!! Brings back good memories. Great pictures. Looks like you all are enjoying being home.