Today would have been my dear g-mom's 76th birthday. Our grandmother was a very special woman - someone that everyone loved and wanted to be around. She was one of the most loving, giving and caring people I know. She was always thinking of her grandchildren and caring of us in her own special way. We all miss her greatly. I think she just might have the Internet in Heaven and is checking out the blogs on her birthday. A day that was always so special to her. We love you g-mom and miss you more than you'll ever know! You're always in our hearts and we all can't wait to see you again someday!!! Happy Birthday!
Homeschooling: Day 1
10 years ago
Very special, Chelle! Expressed my thoughts, as well. Loved your Mother's Day poem too! You're that kind of Mom! Love to see you with your babies (well Allie's not quite a baby, but you know what I mean!)
Good job Chelly!
You too Chelly. You too have great memories of g-mom.All three of you have made me sad with your good memories of g-mom.G-mom was well thought of in her church and community. Buddy and I are holding down the fort here at home.
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