If you're wondering.... A cat jumped out of a tree at the end of this video and scared me half to death. I'm always on the look out for snakes in our yard (we have seen many), and sometimes I'm a little jumpy! :-D Allie is such a big helper these days... She can now mow the whole yard by herself! :)
Allie has adopted this beautiful kitty from our neighborhood. We put food out for her and she comes over most nights. :)
Allie thinks she is a cat too!
Allie found one of her old Halloween costumes in the closet yesterday and decided to wear it around the house. Isn't she a cute little chicken! :)
Checking out Mr. Giraffe.
Was that turtle just in your yard? Wow, Natalie would love it and the cat, she's totally into animals. And Brian's with you on the no snakes thing... there's none here and he LOVES it. :)
Lots of action at your house the other day huh? I wish you would have left the video going so we could have heard you freaking out! lol
Oh and great title. :)
Why are stray cats attracted to us? Erin had a family of kittens under her shed, and remember Elvis and her family under our shed? Next thing you know, you'll have some, too, and Allie will be begging to keep one! Adorable pictures!
Love the pics. That was a big turtle. I chuckled at the end of your video! Too funny!
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